Thursday, July 21, 2022

CZ P-07 Urban Gray - Re-textured

We recently re-textured this CZ P-07 frame that was previously stippled and botched with major discoloration in one spot on the right side of the grip. Our plan was to retexture the grip area and then Cerakote only the textured area in black to cover up the discoloration, but after finishing up the texture it was apparent that a cover up was not necessary! We don't usually work on colored polymer frames due to the extra time and care it takes to do them properly, but this was a personal gun that needed an update. We'll consider this one saved! 👍

Here's a couple of in-progress photos to show the discoloration spot

Springfield Prodigy 1911DS Enhancement Package

The Springfield Prodigy 1911DS is a very popular 2011-style gun, but at it's budget price point it lacks the refinements and reliability...