Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Beavertail Re-contouring

We've recently added beavertail re-contouring to our list of stippling service options. This service is primarily meant for the larger Sig Sauer X-series grip modules, but we can also do this for other handgun frames/grips if it is applicable (i.e. Walther PDP).  What we do specifically on the Sig X-series grip module is round off the bottom edge of the beavertail itself. We can also thin down the sides of the top/back of frame leading back to the beavertail as seen in the photos below. These two modifications essentially give you the same look and feel as a factory XCompact grip module in that area, which is much more comfortable in the hand and allows for a slightly higher grip on the gun.

Check out our website for more details and pricing on all of our products!

Springfield Prodigy 1911DS Enhancement Package

The Springfield Prodigy 1911DS is a very popular 2011-style gun, but at it's budget price point it lacks the refinements and reliability...